Hi there, and welcome to my final project for Intro to Folklore! My goal here is to introduce those of you who are visiting to a type of group many of us don't usually think of when we picture folklore - fandoms! Star Wars, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes ... groups of fans of many of these and other pieces of entertainment find themselves immersed without even realizing it.
So have a look around, click a few links, and enjoy your stay!
Hi there! I'm Misty, your friendly neighborhood Intro to Folklore student. Thanks for stopping by the website for my final project: Fandoms in Folklore. May this website be a light for you, when all other lights go out. Poke around a bit, learn something new, and may the force be with you.
Or may the odds be ever in your favor.
Or live long and prosper. But don't forget - it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
Beki Test
ENGL 2270
Intro to Folklore
Final Project